Waffles and Early Detection Awareness

You guys are all really nice, but let’s be honest, I chose the best pictures to show you yesterday! Even though every time I look at a running picture of myself I cringe at my arms. Such bad form!! I’m a walking (running) hypocrite. haha But you guys are sweet. Thanks for the compliments!

Last night, after a church activity, I got a text from my friend Shana asking if I wanted a waffle. Um, yeah I did. So Deborah and I headed over there and we let Shana cook for us.


I selected the candy corn plate because um, it’s October and I love candy corn!


Deb opted for the cute, heart plate. The waffles were delicious and the company was even better!


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so I wanted to share a few facts that I learned from the American Cancer Society website.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, even surpassing skin cancer. Nearly 1 in 3 cancers diagnosed in women is breast cancer. “By the end of 2013, an estimated 232,340 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and an estimated 39,620 women will die from breast cancer.” This makes early detection and prevention especially important. Here are a few things to look out for:

  • Maintain a healthy weight as excess weight can increase your risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Get regular physical activity. Evidence shows a 10-20% decrease in risk in woman who are physically active.
  • Limit alcohol consumption to one drink per day, as alcohol increases your risk by 7-12%.

  • Quitting smoking has many health benefits, including decreasing your risk by 12%.

  • Get a routine breast exam (if you are over 20) or a mammogram, especially if you are over the age of 40.

I have a history of breast cancer in my family, so this is definitely an important topic to me! And women aren’t the only ones who get breast cancer (though they’re far more likely). It’s important that we’re all aware and do what we can to prevent it and catch it early, if it does happen. I’m writing some short pieces on Breast Cancer Awareness Month for my work, so you may see a few more snippets of information pop up on the blog. It’s good to be aware and proactive!

In case you haven’t seen this video, I thought this was a very creative way to help women remember to check for breast cancer.

On that note, everyone have a wonderful Tuesday!

Favorite breakfast food? Mine is actually french toast.

Are you being good about prevention and early detection?? No details are necessary. You can think the answer to this one.

Random: Favorite bands when you were growing up? N*Sync, Backstreet Boys, Faith Hill, Shania Twain

23 thoughts on “Waffles and Early Detection Awareness

  1. Bwahaha! Love the video. And the reminder….gotta get a checkup this fall. Thanks! I had waffles for my bday breakfast yesterday. Delicious!

  2. I love this post! Breast cancer runs in my family too and I just registered for a local 5k from which 100% of the proceeds goes to support women fighting their own battles with breast cancer. I love waffles and French toast, but pancakes are by far my favorite!

    PS- I was tagged in a sunshine award post and would now like to share it with you! Check out my post from Monday for the questions if you’d like to join in!

  3. This is GREAT girl. It is so so important to be informed! I am learning so much this week from other peoples blogs about how (sadly) common it is and how we can take measures to prevent it!
    Um… your waffle looks delicious! And if you love waffles, you need to go to Belgium. I studied there and they have waffles EVERYWHERE. Literally. They are their own food group. And they are sold in vending machines like no big deal.
    Don’t know about their French Toast though… maybe go to France for that?!?

    have a greattttt day girl 🙂

  4. I also looooove French toast! Thanks for sharing this post – I’ve had far too many friends & family members diagnosed with breast cancer so it’s a topic that hits home for me as well 🙂

  5. Pingback: Wednesday Wonderfuls | see this girl run

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